What I didn't know when I bought the tickets, was that because they roped off the first 4 rows, they were in the first row. It worked out good, by accident, that they had great seats. I love it when that happens!
Rock Star, flipped over. The one that Tristan tells me the story about all the time.
Well, actually, it was Saturday. James and Tristan went to the Monster Truck Show. Boy! Did they ever have fun. Tristan came home and right away was telling me how the monster truck flipped over. He hasn't stopped telling me that story. (It's another Jared losing his pants on the snowmobile type story). I bought the tickets as a surprise for when James came home from Fort Mac. I thought it would be a nice father/son activity. Especially because Tristan loves monster trucks right now. For those who know who Hard Hat Harry is. He has been watching his shows over and over.